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Australia's finest range of heirloom seeds since 1986


Cherry Guava - Gold Seeds

(Psidium littorale var. cattleianum)

Evergreen bushy shrub 3-6 m high that blooms in late spring with small white flowers that resemble little fireworks. Round, golden, plum-sized fruit with thin skin and a juicy sweet flavour that can be eaten raw or used in jellies, jams, drinks and baking. High in Vitamic C and useful as a hedge, poultry forage and windbreak. They dislike extended low temperatures but will tolerate light frost. Pre-soak seed before planting into seedling trays or pre-sprout between damp paper towel inside a sealed ziplock bag. Germinates best at 24-29' soil temperature and may take 2-8 weeks. Needs good drainage once transplated out.

We cannot send this seed to Western Australia We cannot send this seed to Tasmania

Available options:

Eden Seeds
Packet (50 seeds) $3.90
Seed savers needed
Edible Flowers
Sprout & Eat
Sprout & Cut
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this seed to W.A.
We cannot send
this seed to TAS






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