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Australia's finest range of heirloom seeds since 1986


Sweet Seeds

(Ocimum basilicum)

These Basil seeds produce an Italian large leaf, aromatic, popular culinary herb. Annual to 90cm. Native to sub-tropics. Repels flies and mosquitoes. An excellent growing and culinary companion to tomatoes, deters nematodes. Warm, sunny position. Spring and summer planting. A classic Basil, sure to bring joy to any dish. Matches perfectly into pastas, salads, soups, pizza and so much more. Our basil seeds germinate within 7 days, and can be ready to harvest within 3-4 weeks. Basil likes to stay moist and requires approximately 1 inch of water every week. Water deeply at least once a week to keep roots growing deep and the soil moist.

Seed count: 600/g.

Available options:

Select Organic (certified ACO 10457)
Packet (250 seeds) $4.40
5g $8.00
20g $26.00

General information:


Discover our basil seeds ā€“ tiny powerhouses of health and versatility. Also known as sabja seeds or tukmaria, they're packed with nutrients and benefits. Derived from the basil plant, these black seeds are rich in fibre for digestion and weight management. They're also loaded with essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron, promoting bone strength and vitality. Basil seeds are antioxidants, fighting free radicals and supporting your body's defence. When soaked in water, they form a gel, perfect for summer drinks and desserts. In the kitchen, they add crunch to salads, smoothies, and baked goods while infusing a subtle basil flavour. Explore our premium basil seeds for a convenient and delicious way to boost your well-being and culinary creations.

500-1000 seeds per gram

Basil seeds planting information:

When To Plant In Australia
Tropics:All Year
Seed Sowing
Plant space cm:20-25
Row space cm:30-50
Depth cm:0.5
Best soil temp:18-35 °C
Sow after frost:Yes
Other Info
Number of seeds per gram:500-1000
Average days to maturity:70-84
Seed savers needed
Sprout & Eat
Sprout & Cut
Companion Planting
Try these plants as good neighbours for Basil
There are no shipping
restrictions for this seed.
W.A. CustomersDue to quarantine restrictions in W.A. there is a 10,000 seeds limit per each variety.
Basil seed count is 600/g. Please stay under this 10,000 seeds limit when ordering seeds as we will have to reduce or remove it from your order. If you have any queries on ordering large quantities please phone us on (07) 5533 1177.
TAS CustomersDue to quarantine restrictions in TAS there is an 800g limit per each seed variety.
Please stay under this 800g limit when ordering seeds as we will have to reduce or remove it from your order.






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