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Australia's finest range of heirloom seeds since 1986


Giant Russian (Elephant) Seeds

Certified Organic Seed garlic is perfect for planting, but equally wonderful for using in the kitchen.
Giant Russian, or Elephant garlic is in fact more closely related to the leek. Still in the same genus as cultivated garlic, however the latin binomial is Allium ampeloprasum, rather than Allium sativum.
Very hardy plant that can reach up to 500g of 5-7 cloves. Lovely edible pink-purple flowers on a long central spike reaching 1.5 metres or more! They are a wonderful garlicky-flavoured garnish. Doesn’t taste quite as strong as usual garlic, which makes it ideal for people who are sensitive to the more pungent varieties. The cloves are much larger and easier to peel. Autumn planting. Likes soil with high fertility and plenty of water. Stores well for a long time.

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Available options:

Select Organic (certified ACO 10457)
400g $30.00
Single Bulb $7.50

General information:


Allium sativum

Native to central Asia and used for thousands of years, Garlic is a flavourful and versatile food that offers a range of health benefits and is widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. It also contains compounds such as allicin which has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Organic garlic is considered a healthier and more sustainable option compared to conventional garlic, as it is free from harmful chemicals and grown in a way that supports soil health and biodiversity. Many people prefer the taste of organic garlic as it has a stronger and more flavourful taste.

Garlic seeds planting information:

When To Plant In Australia
Seed Sowing
Plant space cm:10-15
Row space cm:30-40
Depth cm:2.5-4
Best soil temp:10-35 °C
Other Info
Number of seeds per gram:
Average days to maturity:120-175
Seed savers needed
Sprout & Eat
Sprout & Cut
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